Happy New Year – Time to Recharge!

After a long hard year, time to unplug. Take time for yourself and recharge. Small business can consume every waking moment if you allow it. I am suggesting a New Year’s resolution to invest in yourself.

Whether you are an introvert or extrovert – some quality time away from the day to day work will give you a new perspective and outlook for the year. Set a ritual and make it a habit. Stephen R. Covey’s book, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” says it take 21 days to make or break one.

It’s all about you:

1) Personal Development – Attend a seminar, listen to regular podcasts, read blogs or a book as the one referenced above. Take a personal financial seminar to ensure you have a steady income well into retirement. Find something that ignites your energy.

2) Diet and Exercise – There never seems to be enough hours in the day. One of the first things to go are a healthy diet and exercise. Everything needs balance so take care of your health. Too many times a business owner lets the stress of the business take its toll on them and they end up losing everything. Don’t make it something to avoid –take the stairs vs an elevator, packing a healthy snack vs chips.

3) Travel and Family Time – Go someplace new. Allow your mind to experience different places, cultures, food, and fun! The distraction from the day to day may lead to breakthroughs for you. Reconnect with your family and friends.


Think through

Ever feel like you are fresh out of ideas or burnt out in the business? Set a few rituals, make them a habit, and enjoy. Small changes can lead to long term success not only in business but our lives.

What is your New Year’s ritual that you will turn into a habit? Feel free to post comments or email them to me. Small Business, Big Lessons™ – Time to recharge – it’s all about you!


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About the Author:

Gregory Woloszczuk is an entrepreneur and experienced tech executive that helps small business owners grow their top and bottom line. Gregory believes in straight talk and helping others see things they need to see but may not want to with a focus on taking responsibly for one’s own business. He and his wife, Maureen, started GMW Carolina in 2006.