Dr. Ashley Robertson, DVM, is this week’s Hometown Hero. Dr. Robertson has spent a large portion of her time recently performing multiple surgeries for the ASPCA on the animals surrendered to the Hoke County Sheriff’s department. She has donated significant time and personal resources to the task, discounting bills to charge only enough to cover cost of supplies.

Dr. Robertson has a history of admirably selfless behavior when it comes to the treatment and care of animals, having been the sole doctor at Meadowmont Animal Hospital in Chapel Hill and working closely with local animal rescues alongside being the exclusive vet for Eyes, Ears, Nose and Paws. Her passion for veterinary medicine is matched only by her expertise and kindness towards the creatures that need her help.

Thank you, Dr. Ashley Robertson, for all the work you do keeping our furrier family members in good health, whether they’re old friends or new additions.