Those who fundraised for the Special Olympics had the opportunity to rappel down the Wells Fargo Capitol Center in Raleigh this weekend for an event called Over the Edge.

“Basically anybody that raised $1,000 can rappel, and I think there’s still some open spots, they have 200 slots. We’ve raised already $2,600, which is pretty awesome for our community to support that,” Chatham County Sheriff Mike Roberson said in the days leading up to the event on Saturday. “We’re going to rappel 30 stories down a building in Raleigh, and it’s a little scary to me to be honest with you. I’ve rapelled 75 or 100 feet but 30 stories, I really didn’t even know they made a rope that long.”

Over the Edge is inspired by the Special Olympics athletes by encouraging those who fundraised to have the courage to try something new.

Roberson says his inspiration to participate comes from a long-time friend.

“What really started it is I have a best friend I went to high school with, he has Williams Syndrome, his name is Shannon, and he just loves everybody; he has time for everybody; he doesn’t have fear of any person and just a great guy to be around,” said Roberson.

Although Roberson says the idea of rappelling down the skyscraper is nerve-wracking, he says he hopes it inspires more people to donate.

“I’m not a fan of heights, but I’m willing to do it for Shannon. Shannon just means a lot to me, and people like Shannon. I hope people know people like Shannon in their lives and they can decide if they want to donate. Maybe somebody has been bullied or told they couldn’t do something in the past or find a reason that they can get involved with special Olympics,” said Roberson.