This week’s Hometown Hero is Linda Convissor, the Director of Community Relations at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is retiring after over 20 years with the university.

“I have the best job in the world because I really get to spend time in the community, see what the community’s needs are and see how the university can match up with that and see what people want to do.”

Linda started at the university in 1997 and her connection to UNC began with an interesting story.

“I started working in facilities planning under Gordon Rutherford and Anna Wu on the very first recent, modern campus master plan. And I got that job because Anna Wu and her partner had an architectural firm in Durham at the time and we needed our house remodeled. And so they remodeled our house, and about three years later they went together to the university, kind of as a team, to work in facilities planning as construction on campus was ramping up. When they needed a project manager to work on the master plan, I was the only planner they knew. It just happened that I was a planner and they worked on our house, that was kind of random.”