Thanksgiving will fall on Thursday, Nov. 28 this year, and the holiday will affect several local government services around the Orange County community. Here’s a rundown of what residents can expect:

Town of Chapel Hill

Thursday, Nov. 28 and Friday, Nov. 29 are both town holidays.

Residential trash collection will not be affected. However, there will be no curbside recycling collection on Thursday. Crews will collect Thursday’s routes on Friday and Friday’s routes on Saturday. Commercial trash will not be collected on Thursday or Friday. Crews will complete these routes earlier in the week. Yard trimmings will also not be collected on Thursday or Friday, and no make-up days are scheduled. The Orange County Landfill and Waste and Recycling Centers will be closed on Thursday but will re-open on Friday.

The Chapel Hill Public Library will be closed on Thursday and Friday.

Chapel Hill Transit will not run on Thursday and will resume its Sunday service routes and frequency on Friday. Additionally, the transit system’s SAFE RIDES will not be available throughout UNC’s break from classes Wednesday through Saturday, Nov. 30.

The town’s Office and Maintenance Division will be closed on Thursday and Friday. For emergency maintenance services, call 919-968-2855.

Parks, greenways, trails, dog parks and other outdoor areas will remain open, but the Chapel Hill Parks and Recreation Offices and other facilities will be closed.

For more information, click here.

Town of Carrboro

Carrboro’s town offices will be closed on Thursday and Friday.

Household trash collections will be conducted two days early the entire week of Thanksgiving. Wednesday’s route will be collected on Monday, Thursday’s on Tuesday and Friday’s on Wednesday. Yard waste, loose leaves and bulk waste will not be collected during the week.

For more information, click here.

Town of Hillsborough

Hillsborough town offices will be closed on Thursday and Friday.

Residents who normally receive garbage collection service on Thursday will receive it on Wednesday, Nov. 27. Residents who receive service on Friday will receive it on Monday, December 2.

For more information, click here.

Orange County

Orange County’s government offices will be closed on Thursday and Friday.

Orange County Animal Services will also be closed on Saturday, in addition to its normal closure on Sunday. Anyone experiencing an animal-related emergency is asked to call 9-1-1.

Orange County Public Transportation will operate limited service to the county dialysis center only on Friday. Full service will resume on Monday.

The Orange County Public Library and the Cybrary in Carrboro will close early at 5 p.m. on Wednesday. Both will also be closed on Thursday and Friday. The public library will re-open during its normal hours on Saturday, while the Cybrary will re-open on Monday.

For more information, click here.


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