The Chapel Hill News on April 4, 2016 featured a thoughtful front page and beyond on Sheriff Charles Blackwood.

If you missed it, check it out.  It’s by Tammy Grubb.

Also, go to the Southern Coalition for Social Justice for these 11 bias-free suggestions developed last year.

  • Identify and change existing policies that result in racially biased policing
  • Adopt written policies explicitly prohibiting racial profiling
  • Periodically review officers’ stop, search and arrest data
  •  Require officers to use written consent-to-search forms
  • Prohibit vehicle stops and searches based solely on a driver’s “nervousness,” “presence in a high crime neighborhood” or “criminal record”
  • Require dashboard cameras in police cars and body cameras for officers
  • Make marijuana a low priority
  • Mandate quarterly race reports to town or county leaders
  • Mandate racial equity training for all officers
  • Adopt measures to increase public confidence in how agencies respond to allegations of police misconduct
  • Increase civilian involvement in law enforcement decisions

Law enforcement officers are trying and they will benefit from an educated and helpful community.  We all benefit.

— Wes Hare