With football season here once again, the streets of Chapel Hill will be flooded with Tar Heel fans on their way to Kenan Stadium. And once again, Chapel Hill Transit is offering a service to help fans get to football games.

The Tar Heel Express operates during gamedays for both UNC football and men’s basketball. This year, the express will operate from three locations:

  • Friday Center Park and Ride Lot (1458 Raleigh Road)
  • Southern Village Park and Ride Lot (105 Sumac Road)
  • Carolina Coffee Shop (138 East Franklin Street)

Parking at the Friday Center and the Southern Village Park and Ride lots is free. Information about parking on Franklin Street can be found here. Service from the Friday Center begins three hours before kickoff, and service from Southern Village and Carolina Coffee Shop begins 90 minutes prior to kickoff. The drop-off and pick-up location for Kenan Stadium is along South Road on the UNC Campus, near Woolen Gym.

Buses depart every 10-15 minutes or when full, and will run continuously until game time. Return to the lots during the game is not guaranteed. After the game, buses run for approximately 45 minutes.

“With [the] Tar Heel Express service, it is even easier to dine, play, and shop before the game,” said a release from Chapel Hill Transit.

Unlike other Chapel Hill Transit buses, there is a fee to ride the Tar Heel Express. One-way tickets are $3 and a round-trip ticket is $5. Only cash is accepted as fare. No fees are charged to park at either of the park and ride lots. A full list of prohibited items can be found here.

As of the week of September 8, the only UNC football home games with confirmed start times are the Appalachian State game on September 9 (5:15 p.m.) and the Minnesota game on September 16 (3:30 p.m.).


Featured image via Chapel Hill Transit

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