Today is Thursday, February 18, 2016.  A guy kind of gets his wallet back.  A viral fruit image is floating around on Facebook and we’ve got perfectly timed dog photos.

A Returned Wallet-ish

Reilly Flaherty lost his wallet a few weeks ago in Brooklyn.  That included cash, IDs, and credit cards.

So, he cancelled the credit cards and replaced this driver’s license.

Then, he got a package.  It had some of his lost stuff.  His credit cards, driver’s license, and a few other things were there.  But, there was no wallet, cash, or MetroCard.  There was a letter.  It read:

“I found your wallet, and your drivers license had your address so here’s your credit cards and other important stuff. I kept the cash because I needed weed, the MetroCard because, well, the fare’s $2.75 now, and the wallet ’cause it’s kinda cool. Enjoy the rest of your day.



Another Internet Puzzle

The latest puzzle dividing the Internet is a seemingly straight-forward math problem, featuring apples, bananas and coconuts.

But due a bit of visual trickery, those sharing the viral image on Facebook are having trouble arriving at a clear-cut answer.

In the image, which has been floating around Facebook since December, the problem challenges the solver to determine the numeric value of each image of fruit.

Can you figure it out?


Perfectly Timed Dog Photos

You shall enjoy these perfectly timed dog photos.