Today is Tuesday, June 14, 2016.  A crying baby leads to a move.  Beautiful Kiester.

Crying Baby Leads to Move

A couple in Greensboro moved out of their apartment after getting a note from a neighbor regarding their young child.  The note complained about the child’s crying.

The note writing neighbor shared a statement with Fox8:

“I wish the family well. I hope their move is a safe one, and I hope they’ve found a new home which is better suited for raising their toddler and their soon-to-be newborn baby. It is my sincere and earnest wish that everyone involved is able to sleep more soundly in the future… especially whomever is lucky enough to share a bedroom wall with their nursery.”

Beautiful Kiester

Kiester, Minnesota will be featured in a commercial for hemorrhoid medication Preparation H.  See it below.

For the record, the town is not named for your hind-parts.  Jacob Armel Kiester was a 19th century judge, state senator, and the town’s namesake.