Help Us Help You

97.9 The Hill and is the voice of our community.

Since 1953, we have delivered your daily local news. Now, both on-air and online, we continue to work diligently — connecting our community to local information, businesses, government, events, sports, music, pets and more. We are proud to be your local newsroom, every day.

We are one of the only distributors of local news in Chapel Hill and the surrounding area, and one of the few remaining privately-owned local radio stations in the country.

But we need your help.

As always, your news comes to you completely free of charge. does not charge subscription fees. By contributing, your dollars directly support the operations of 97.9 The Hill and This includes — but is not limited to — broadcasting equipment, office space and paying our hard-working, dedicated staff.

The work of 97.9 The Hill WCHL and is historically advertiser-supported through partnerships with local businesses who, like us, have been impacted economically by COVID-19.  This also means that your contributions help other local businesses connect to our community.  We are privately (and locally) owned by Chapel Hill Media Group, which is not a 501(c)(3) organization.

Your investment will help ensure 97.9 The Hill WCHL & can continue to serve this community and provide news and information at no cost to people who may not have access to it otherwise.  

Please make a financial contribution today.

Ways You Can Help


1) Make a Financial Gift to 97.9 The Hill WCHL and

Support local journalism and our mission to serve the community. Every dollar helps!

Checks can also be mailed directly to:
WCHL and – Support Us
201 S. Estes Drive
Suite C6A
Chapel Hill, NC 27514


2) Buy an Advertising Campaign for Your Favorite Local Business

Do you want to help your favorite non-profit organization advertise their services or next event?  Or, help a local business get their message to our community via 97.9 The Hill WCHL or  Help two businesses at the same time by purchasing one of our discounted advertising packages, and we’ll take it from there!


3) Make a Corporate Contribution

Does local journalism speak to you and the values of your company?  Does your organization appreciate and use our content?  Make a corporate gift of support.


4) Advertise With Us

Support us while achieving your marketing goals.  Partner with us to customize a plan to get your company’s message to our community through 97.9 The Hill and 

Contact Us

For questions regarding financial contributions or corporate partnerships please contact Aubrey Williams at or 919-240-6045.