It’s said that in Chapel Hill there are four opinions for every three people, and this month every single one of those opinions has had something to do with House Bill 2.

What have our local residents and community leaders been saying?

On March 24, the NCGA passed House Bill 2. Shortly after the State House voted, State Rep. Graig Meyer (D-Chapel Hill) returned to town and spoke with Aaron Keck on WCHL.


Ashley DeSena is a Republican and a former candidate for Hillsborough Board of Commissioners. On Friday, March 25, she and Aaron discussed the bill. (DeSena opposes both HB2 and the original Charlotte ordinance that triggered the whole debate in the first place.)


Jeff Danner is an engineer who writes Chapelboro’s “Common Science” column. On the air with Aaron, he argued that a truly “data-driven” approach would have steered policymakers away from a law like HB2.


And with the General Assembly returning to session on April 25, State Rep. Graig Meyer made a return appearance to WCHL to talk about what he’s heard from constituents and what he expects to happen in Raleigh.


Visit this page to hear what Mayors Pam Hemminger (of Chapel Hill), Lydia Lavelle (of Carrboro), and Tom Stevens (of Hillsborough) have had to say about HB2 and the local fallout.