Carnegie Hall is known for hosting some of the finest performers in the world. In 2019, the famous concert call will see a performance from the McDougle Middle School Choir!

Under the direction of John Benton, the McDougle Middle School Choirs have been invited to perform at Carnegie Hall in New York City on June 23, 2019. Students will spend 5 days and 4 nights in the city to prepare for their concert directed by Maestra Maria Guinard, where they will perform two song cycles by renowned Venezuelan composer Alberto Grau.

“The McDougle Middle School Choirs received this invitation because of the quality and high level of musicianship demonstrated by the singers as well as the quality of their audition recording,” said Dr. Jonathan Griffith, artistic director for the concert. “These wonderful musicians not only represent a high quality of music and education, but they also become ambassadors for the entire community.”

Community members who wish to support every MMS choir student who would like to attend the trip are welcomed to donate any amount of money to help ensure that every student who would like to go is afforded the opportunity. The donation site charges no fees, so 100 percent of funds will go directly to support student lodging and travel, and the name of each donor will be painted on a large mural “road” that MMS art teacher Kate Parrent is currently designing.

For more information on fundraising efforts, the concert and detailed instructions on how exactly to donate, click here.