Despite a concerted effort to maintain good dermatological habits, many patients continue to complain of “chicken skin,” medically known as keratosis pilaris. Characterized by rough patches of raised bumps that vary in severity, the condition is extremely common and, although harmless, bothers and embarrasses many patients. The keratosis pilaris’ distinguishing bumps can sometimes be confused with acne, particularly in cases where the affected areas are red or inflamed.

Sufferers most commonly exhibit symptoms on the upper arms and legs, although other parts of the body may also be affected. Genetic destiny determines whether an individual will ultimately suffer from keratosis pilaris, while external factors such as weather, humidity, and the onset of pregnancy can aggravate the KP’S symptoms. Although you cannot “cure” KP, patients frustrated by the condition of their skin don’t have to fully resign themselves to these tribulations.

Keratosis pilaris sufferers interested in treating their condition should consider products containing glycolic acid, plus there are cleansers and lotions available ideally suited for combating the symptoms of KP. Glycolic exfoliating body wash and body lotions can help soothe rough patches and inflamed skin, improving overall skin texture. In addition, while no one can entirely cure or prevent KP, an experienced dermatologist can recommend medicated products and topical creams, such as retinoids and exfoliants, to control KP symptoms.

Furthermore, KP sufferers would be well-advised to avoid overly-drying skincare products and protect their skin against drying elements through a regular moisturizing routine and potentially the use of a humidifier. With the right lifestyle changes and treatment options, “chicken skin” doesn’t have to limit your quality of life or your self-confidence.