I almost didn’t purchase Steve Dalton’s book, “2-Hour Job Search,” considering I couldn’t believe you could do a job search in two hours.  But the tagline below his title convinced me to get it. I’d be at a disadvantage if I didn’t learn how to “use technology to get the right job faster.” That and I am ready for something that works. My online resumes have been disappearing, as Steve’s students say, “into a black hole.” And I’ve been running, like a gerbil on a wheel, for several months with nothing to show for my waiting — and for my hard work.
So, Steve’s got this method that will get you working hard on the right things.  The key is in understanding the industry that matters to you. Then you can use his method to help identify your referrals within this industry. This, and capturing their attention and selling yourself to them.
I give him partial credit for the informational and job interviews I secured this past month.  Obviously I’m not at the “I got the job” part yet but I plan to keep pouring myself into his method, believing I’ll get there. His book, now a bit torn, worn and dog-eared, has become my Bible of the job search process.
You really can’t do the job search, as the title suggests, in two hours. But it’s worth committing two hours a day to the process.  And the paper version of the book is worth way more than the $13 price tag.