The Feb. 25 meeting of the Carrboro Board of Aldermen will be taken up, mostly, by discussion of proposed additions to the town’s Land Use Ordinance.

The Board will consider amending a section of the Ordinance to clarify which utility work activities are allowed or exempt in water quality buffers.

It’s been the subject of an ongoing discussion between the Planning Board and the Orange Water and Sewer Authority.

At issue is how best to protect trees and water quality, while giving workers the utility line access they need to conduct inspections and make repairs in buffers and along creeks.

Another proposed ordinance would clarify the roles and responsibilities of the Environmental Advisory Board in working with Aldermen on matters regarding conservation and protections.

EAB members are appointed by the Board of Aldermen.

There’s a proposal to add language to another section of the Land Use Ordinance regarding development projects that entail more than 1,000 square feet of new building in downtown commercial areas, or more than 20,000 square feet of disturbance.

Proposed language in the ordinance mandates that businesses and residents in surrounding neighborhoods have the opportunity to address the impact of big construction projects.

Such impacts include employee parking, storage of hazardous materials, and roads and entrances used by construction vehicles.

The meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. at Carrboro Town Hall at 301 West Main Street.