Corporatism and prejudice control our state’s administration, legislature, and educational systems.

Corporatism and prejudice are ruining our state and destroying our communities and educational institutions at all levels.

Corporatism and prejudice are driving the increase in wealth gap and poverty, statewide and nationally.  The main policy to execute this control is simple and devastating.

It is tax cuts for the ultra-wealthy, elite, political funding cabal.  The single most destructive policy in modern history.

Tax cuts for that same ultra-wealthy, corporate elite political funding cabal that has bought nearly every member of our North Carolina and United States administration and legislature.  And with this policy, has subjected the people of North Carolina and the United States to the imposition of a political, economic, and social monopoly.

Tax cuts for the ultra-wealthy, corporate elite, political funding cabal, if allowed to continue, will destroy our state and our nation.

The main tactic used to gain and maintain control for the benefit of the ultra-weathy, corporate elite, political funding cabal is prejudice.

Wake up, people of North Carolina.

Wake up, people of the United States.

Wake up and throw off corporatism and prejudice.  Throw corporatism and prejudice out of office.

Wake up and end the corporatism and prejudice that benefit the ultra-wealthy, corporate elite, political funding cabal with tax cuts to the exclusion to the rest of us.

Throw out corporatism and prejudice.

— John Paul McClellan

Listen to today’s Commentary from John Paul McClellan