Life is a series of challenges. We all have dragons we must confront. In mythology, dragons guard gold and virgins – two things they have no use for. They are greedy and selfish.

In life, our personal dragons steal our potential. They are things like addiction, gossip, lying, laziness, unfettered screen time, lashing out at others, toxic relationships – they are things we engage in, but we don’t want to own up to, because we know the way we are behaving is a misuse of our power.

There are a few different ways to slay a dragon:

  1. Chop off its head. This is the going “cold turkey” method and can be rather painful, but also effective.
  2. Starve it. This method is equivalent to dieting. The weight won’t be gone by tomorrow, but it will go over time. When you have a bad habit like gossiping, or if you are dealing with depression, this method works well.
  3. Make peace with it. Sometimes you can’t get rid of the dragon. Maybe you know you did something very mean in the past and hurt someone unnecessarily. Apologize, no matter how old you are.  Perhaps you have a lot of personal baggage that impacts your current relationships. Get therapy.


Part of our life’s purpose is slaying our personal dragons so we can live up to our highest potential.